How do you regulate the relationship with partners in a start-up?

The Start up Advisor, is a strategic designer, who from the time of incorporation defines the articles of incorporation, the drafting of the Articles of Incorporation, the Shareholders’ Agreements, the Minutes of Share Capital Increase with the application of specific clauses for investors and workers.

In addition, the corporate design of incorporation and modification of the start up must take into account the possibility of participation in Crowdfunding and University Spin offs, providing that:

The clauses

The start-up in the fundraising stage through Seed, Business Angel, Venture Capital, Investment Funds, Crowdfunding, will have to enter into agreements through an investment contract that includes clauses regulating corporate relations.

To this end, we support the company in drafting the Minutes of Share Capital Increase, Articles of Association for Start-ups and Innovative SMEs by providing tailor-made:

Edited by Fernando Del Rosso

Innovation Manager & Certified Public Accountant

Contact us


Pisa Ave. no. 45 Milan
Via E. Ruggiero 123 Caserta
Phone: Tel. and Fax: 0287178916 – 0823.210474
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